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Niti.Ayog.No - MH/2022/0306839

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    Child safe foundation thanks all the donors for their contribution,love and support and making this world a better place

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    SHIVAM BALLAL is a 5-year-old boy from Satara, Maharashtra. His father, Mr. Anil BALLAL, works as a daily wage laborer, and his mother, Mrs. BALLAL, is a housewife. Shivam is the eldest child.

    Shivam was born with a congenital heart defect, which went unnoticed by his family until a few days after his birth when he would cry constantly. He was taken to the hospital where he was diagnosed with a heart defect. The doctor prescribed medication and suggested that he undergo surgery, which would cost Rs. 4,50,000.

    Due to the pandemic, Shivam's father has been out of work, making it very difficult for him to arrange the finances for Shivam's surgery. His Father then reached out to the Child Safe Foundation for support. CSF helped them raise funds for Shivam's treatment, which was successful. Shivam was discharged from the hospital on 1st June 2022, and he is now gradually recovering.

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    TWINS BABY OF ASHWINI The babies of Ashwini were 16-days old boys when they were admitted for treatment. Their father, Mr. Pradeep Choudhary works in a private firm and their mother, Mrs. Ashwini Choudhary is a homemaker.
    Being born in the 7th month of pregnancy, the twins were diagnosed with low birth weight and mild respiratory distress. They were admitted to the NICU in MALA HOSPITAL, Mumbai, for 15 DAYS. The estimated cost of their treatment was Rs. 5,00,000.

    CSF helped the family to raise this amount of money and supported the family throughout the babies' treatment. They were discharged on 08th JUNE 2022.

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    The babies of Ujwala were 3-days old girls when they were admitted for treatment. Their father, Mr. Satish Patil works in a factory and their mother, Mrs. ujwala patil is a homemaker.
    Being born in the 7th month of pregnancy, the twins were diagnosed with low birth weight and mild respiratory distress. They were admitted to the NICU in mala hospital, Mumbai, for  5 days. The estimated cost of their treatment was Rs. 1,00,000.
    Child safe foundation helped the family to raise this huge amount of money and supported the family throughout the babies' treatment. They were discharged on 22 MAY 2022.

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    Twins of Madhuri
    The babies of Madhuri were a 9-days old boy and one girl child when they were admitted for treatment. Their father, Mr. Manohar gundekar works in a factory and their mother, Mrs. Madhuri gundekar is a homemaker. Mr. Manohar lost job his this year.
    Being born in the 7th month of pregnancy, the twins were diagnosed with low birth weight and mild respiratory distress. They were admitted to the mala hospital, Mumbai, for  15 days. The estimated cost of their treatment was Rs. 2,50,000.

    CHILD SAFE FOUNDATION helped the family to raise money and supported the family throughout the babies' treatment. They were discharged on 2ND JULY 2022.

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    The Baby of Farhad Javed, who was born prematurely and diagnosed with pneumonia in his chest, is now out of danger and has been discharged from Kilbil Children's Hospital in Mumbai. Thanks to the generous support of donors and supporters, we were able to successfully raise the required funds for the baby's treatment through our NGO, the Child Safe Foundation. The estimated cost of treatment for the baby's condition was Rs. 260,000/-. We are thrilled to have been able to play a part in helping this little one receive the care he needed. As an organization committed to supporting children in need, the Child Safe Foundation will continue to work towards ensuring a safe and secure future for all children. Thank you to all our donors and supporters for helping us make a difference in the life of this precious baby.

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    Anuradha Kadam
    The baby ANURADHA was born at 25 weeks and 2 days gestation, which is considered extremely premature. She was intubated and given surfactant at 2 hours of life and continued on invasive ventilation. She was extubated on day 4 of life and was on non-invasive ventilation (NIV) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) until day 52.

    a newborn baby ANURADHAN was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) The baby ANURADHAN was also started on total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and slowly transitioned to oral feedings. She is currently on full feeds and tolerating them well. She was also started on antibiotics for suspected sepsis and received multiple red blood cells and fresh frozen plasma transfusions for anemia. She had a screening echocardiogram that showed a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), which is a connection between the aorta and the pulmonary artery that normally closes shortly after birth. The PDA was treated with medication and fluid restriction.

    The baby also had retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a condition that can affect the development of the blood vessels in the retina. She received bilateral intravitreal bevacizumab injections followed by laser therapy. She will need to be followed up on this condition.

    The baby is now hemodynamically stable and tolerating her feeds well. She is being discharged from the NICU.


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    Baby Manorma 

    We are delighted to share the uplifting news of Baby Manorma's successful discharge from Apex Hospital. This resilient 2-month-old female child courageously confronted neonatal encephalopathy, intermittent stridor, and persistent hyperventilation. Admitted on [20-11-2023], Baby Manorma has exhibited remarkable progress under continuous medical support, culminating in a triumphant discharge on [06-01-2024]. The family, facing a substantial 300,000 RS. medical cost extends heartfelt gratitude for the community's unwavering support throughout this challenging journey. However, the need for urgent financial assistance persists for post-discharge care. Your generosity has been a beacon of hope, significantly contributing to Baby Manorma's positive outcome.

    We appeal for continued support to ensure the seamless transition of Baby Manorma into post-discharge care. Your unwavering commitment has played a pivotal role in this journey, and your continued assistance will make a lasting impact on Baby Manorma's ongoing health and well-being.

    Thank you for being a crucial part of this story of hope and recovery.

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    Baby Ishwari, an 11-year-old child, is battling a difficult health condition known as Bilateral Ulnar Deviation. This condition causes abnormal twisting of the ulnar bones in the forearm, resulting in deformities in the wrists and hands. It leads to limited mobility and constant discomfort for Ishwari, making everyday tasks like writing, eating, and playing painful rather than joyful experiences. Ishwari was successfully discharged on January 22, 2024, following surgery. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who supported this child on their journey towards a better life.
    she received comprehensive care and attention from our medical team, including specialized consultations, surgical intervention, and post-operative rehabilitation. Our goal throughout this process has been to improve Ishwari.

    Miss. ISHWARI's surgery was successfully done on 22 January 2024

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    Baby of Heena is discharged, recovering from heart and lung disease, thanks to your support covering treatment costs. Your generosity ensures the baby receives vital care for a healthy future. Heena's husband, an auto driver, exemplifies their resilience. Your contributions alleviate their financial strain. Let's continue supporting this courageous family as they navigate their baby's health journey. Every donation, big or small, brings hope. Together, we make a difference. Your contributions, totaling 5 lakh rupees, have made it possible for the baby to receive the urgent medical attention they needed Thank you for your compassion and solidarity during this challenging time.

    Baby of Heena was successfully discharged on 23 January 2024

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    Today, we are filled with gratitude and joy as we announce that Padma's baby is now home, safe and sound. The journey to this moment has been challenging, but it has also been a testament to the power of community, kindness, and collective action. Your support has not only saved a life but has also given a family a second chance at happiness.

    Baby of Padma has been successfully discharged on 13 April 2024.

    Donate now to support our cause!

    Donations to CHILD SAFE FOUNDATION are eligible for 50% tax Exemption under
    Sec 80-G Income tax Act 1956. In case you have donated directly through UPI,
    kindly WhatsApp your details such as Name, Address and PAN for 80G receipt on
    +91 8483968879 / 9011177901
    Child Safe Foundation
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